Garbage Eco-Challenge in Ms Newtons Class

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Ms. Newtons class implemented a class wide garbage reduction campaign and created 4 new waste streams in the classroom (Compost, 1-7 Plastic, Plastic wrap, Cardboard).  We stressed the importance of the 4R pyramid with recycling not being as important and reusing and reducing.


Results on waste diversion:

Week              True garbage              Compost

Week 1           1496 g                         1463 g

Week 2           2220 g                         1952 g

Week 3           2587 g                         1690 g

Week 4           2142 g                         1311 g

Week 5           1841 g                         828 g

Week 6           1493 g                         1765 g

Week 7           1541 g                         1676 g


Students diverted as much garbage as possible through education and awareness. As expected, garbage went down and compost went up.  We did the data collection over Christmas and we had lots of art activities, baked goods, etc in the class, causing a spike in waste.


As a class, we implemented strategies for REDUCING OUR WASTE:


-double side everything that is photocopied and try to not photocopy (looseleaf is already recycled paper, Xerox paper is virgin wood)

-do times table drill sheets in a plastic sheath and use dry erase markers all year instead of paper

-write on our desks with dry erase markers instead of on paper for spelling practice

-continue paper recycling

-reuse wherever possible



-shake our hands after washing and then use cloth towels instead of paper towel

-use small cloth towels for cleaning around the room



-students pack food with less packaging, and use reusable containers where possible



-learn about buying quality products that won’t break such as Staedler pencils.