How do we measure the value of Beyond Recycling?
It is not easy to express in quantifiable terms how awareness has been raised, how attitudes have been shifted, and how behavior has changed. We do, however, need to report on our program’s success to our funders and partners. The responsibility for completing the Post-Surveys lies in the teachers’ hands.
You have the option to deliver the surveys either online or on paper. If at all possible, we recommend using the online forms to reduce the amount of paperwork required.
Post BR Survey
The Post BR Survey must be completed after your class has finished the BR program – ideally within 7 days of completing the program.
If completing on paper – Please ensure students have their names on their survey. Please submit your surveys to your BR Educator as soon as possible. That file is available to download at the bottom of this page.
If completing online – Click here to access the online Post BR Survey. If your students do not have strong typing skills, consider completing the survey on paper. Please let your BR Educator know once your students have completed the online Post BR Survey.
Student comments are ESSENTIAL in showing the value of the program in our final reports to funders who allow us to offer the program to you at no cost.