Beyond Recycling Wrap-Up
Brent Kennedy had their last Beyond Recycling Class, reviewing all we did and learned both through the Eco-Jeopardy game show and a Power Point showing the lessons, learning and fun that was had.
Brent Kennedy had their last Beyond Recycling Class, reviewing all we did and learned both through the Eco-Jeopardy game show and a Power Point showing the lessons, learning and fun that was had.
At Brent Kennedy, we learned how the true cost of food is much, much greater than what we pay for at the supermarket… and how doing something as simple as growing a bit of our own food can make a real difference in the impact of our ecofootprint. We discussed how lucky we are, here … Continued
JV Humphries students enjoyed the Trash to Treasure lesson, with many cool inventions. The recycled ice cream, lava lamp, puppet show, planter carriage, rocket ship, mobile, and many more. The students loved thinking about re-using items for new purposes. It was awesome to see the diversity of ideas and resultant creations 🙂
When the stuff we use can no longer be reused, re-imagined, or recycled, it ends up at the landfill, which we got to visit today. Taking a tour of the Ootischenia Landfill was really eye-opening, in terms of all the ways they’re trying to minimize just what ends up there, and then what the actual … Continued
The Family Eco-Challenge wrapped up today at Brent Kennedy. While the results aren’t yet calculated for the class, we certainly can celebrate what was learned and habits that might have changed with motivated and keen students such as Jonathan. Not only did he check for drafts in the house (and, with his parents, fix the … Continued
On April 24, students from JV Humphries took their True Cost of Food lesson further by planting their own food in the schoolyard. Students re-built the planter boxes first created by the Beyond Recycling class 2 years ago. We turned the soil, added well rotted compost to fertilize, and planted various greens, spinach, lettuce, and … Continued
Monday saw Fossil Fuels, Nuclear, Solar, Wind and Hydro-Electric take on each other, out to prove why they were the very best source of energy (and why their worthy opponents were not). It certainly was easier for some groups than for others, to argue all the benefits of their selected energy source, and was very … Continued
At Brent Kennedy, Mrs. Malakoff and Mrs. Hendry’s grade 5/6’s celebrated an early Earth Day by doing a school yard clean-up, then moving inside for a Trash-to-Treasure art class. The class was surprised to see just how much garbage they collected from their school yard in under 30 minutes. And even though none of the … Continued
True to the intention of Earth Hour, where participants are not only encouraged to celebrate during the actual hour, but also to "Go Beyond The Hour", Monday we launched the month-long Family Eco Challenge at Brent Kennedy. After first discussing how people spent this year’s Earth Hour (lots of candles, family time, games, music and … Continued
This week, we looked over our ecological footprints, and talked about ways in which we could reduce their sizes. We then learned about Earth Hour, happening this Saturday, and talked about ways in which some of the group have previously celebrated. Mrs. Hendry challenged the class to come to school the following Monday with the … Continued