Celebrating Earth Day with Kinnaird Elementary

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The grade 4’s at Kinnaird Elementary have spent the last 3 weeks preparing for Earth Day by creating ‘Recycled Art’ posters to promote positive eco-actions. After choosing an action slogan (i.e.: Hang the laundry to dry, Plant a garden, Don’t waste water), students created a collage out of bits of recycling and garbage. These posters are now proudly on display at Kinnaird Elementary for other students, teachers and parents to be inspired by. To further celebrate Earth Day, the Beyond Recycling class had a lively group discussion about our place in the web of life and played a few games to illustrate the interconnectedness of all things in nature. To finish up the class, we headed outside to take action by planting sunflowers. Each student planted their own sunflower seed in a biodegradable pot which will stay in the classroom until ready to be transplanted to yards all over town. The class discussed all the ways this activity would benefit nature: in addition to bringing beauty to our gardens, the sunflowers will attract bees and other pollinators, provide food for birds and mice in the fall and inspire kids to get out in the garden all summer long. Happy Earth Day from the Kinnaird Beyond Recycling class!