The Gr. 6 class, the Eco Tigers, at Twin Rivers School has posted a project on the Kootenay Earth Day website. The project is a One Month Family Eco Challenge. The students have investigated, committed and changed their actions in their homes to try and live more sustainable. Check it out at They challenge other families in the Kootenay’s to do the same! The Earth is the only planet we have so we have to take care of it! Earth Day is on April 22 on Sunday. Our class is involved in a family eco challenge and we are trying to save electricity, water, transportation costs, and money. Some students have made goals and are unplugging unused electronics to save money. Some students are turning the thermostat down 1 degree to save 2% of the electric bill. I have a challenge for you to try not to buy a disposable water bottle for 2 months. Fortis generously donated shower heads and low flow faucets that will reduce our water use. We are thinking about projects to make from Trash 2 Treasure too. Written by Nick Gr. 6

The Eco Tigers on Earth Day
Twin Rivers Elementary