Students said… "I didn’t play so many video games to waste energy, instead I played outside" "We lowered our programmable thermostat and didn’t feel the difference" "We reduced our garbage from 5kg to 3.7kg" "It was hard to do everything I did, but it was so much fun" "After all this week my life has gotten better!!" "My life is not so mean to the environment anymore. I feel great" "The EcoChallenge was so fun" "There were a lot of leaky taps" The numbers are in for Isabella Dicken Elementary School in Fernie. Week 3 and 4 found students working harder to raise their ecopoint scores. 610 ecopoints – Week 3 (9 students) 2415 ecopoints – Week 4 (14 students) On the last week of the challenge many students reflected on how they did not do as well as they could have. They talked about how they could still use the EcoChallenge book as inspiration for change.

East Kootenay EcoChallenge - Fernie
Isabella Dicken Elementary