Today the students from Ms. Kauffman’s class had the opportunity to make their very own homemade granola bars. Students were inspired to create a litter free snack for school after having the “Garbologist” uncover granola and snack wrappers in the class garbage. The cooking experience was so fun and the results were super yummy! While we created some yummy treats, in the spirit of Christmas, we also discussed gift giving and the waste produced by wrapping presents. Students brainstormed some great eco- friendly alternatives to wrapping gifts. Some ideas generated were, using a colourful blanket, towel or fabric to wrap gifts. Students also shared some of their past experiences with re using wrapping paper, Christmas gift bags and fabric gift bags. Maybe our next project will be to make recycled gift bags!!

Mc Kim Students make Snack Bars-Inspired by the Garbology lesson
St. Mary's Catholic