On Jan 26th, grade 5/6 students from JV Humphries in Kaslo went on their Waste Field Trip to the Kaslo recycling centers and transfer station. The first stop of the bus was at ACE Hardware, where we dropped off items for recycling such as batteries, light bulbs, and old cans of paint. We were met by a representative of the RDCK who talked about the importance of bringing such hazardous waste items to the appropriate facility. We then went to the Kaslo Transfer Station and recycled items such as paper, hard plastic (marked with numbers 1-7 in the recycling triangle), plastic bags, metal cans, and glass. We had a look in the re-use it shed (known locally as the free store!) and saw where piles of wood and old appliances are kept until the freon can be removed from appliances and the wood remains can be chipped. The students had a great time and were interested to learn where the items we recycle end up. Did you know that glass is used in road beds?!?