End Plastic Pollution on Earth Day!

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School:  Rossland Summit

Students from Rossland Summit School in Ms. O’Malley’s Gr. 5/6 class celebrated Earth Day 2018 with a focus on Ending Plastic Pollution. The students made up, and delivered posters for the promotion of a Plastic Bag Free City Initiative project, held an interview with the local grocery store owner on the issue of plastic shopping bags, organized a cloth bag drive for a Borrow-A-Bag program that is now being implemented at the grocery store, and also conducted a public survey on plastic bag use in Rossland from our information booth at our local Earth Day Event. Whew, they were busy!

“These students are learning how empowering it can be to take action and see their actions create change in their school and community. From starting a plastic recycling program at RSS to starting a Borrow-A-Bag service at their grocery store, the valuable connections they have made through the Beyond Recycling program has been inspiring” Jess Williams