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Mme. Laporte’s class jumped into action right away this fall with their first EcoChallenge. After the class’s very first lesson on Garbology, with a close look at what ends up in typical class garbage bin, the students decided to try their hands at a waste-free lunch.

Due to Covid-19, the class garbage isn’t in use, with students bringing home all their personal lunch waste. So, instead of weighing the waste, we counted the number of items. That day, 26 students reduced their lunch waste to only 7 pieces of garbage, and 4 compostable egg shells. Instead of candy bar wrappers, plastic wrap, and single serving items, they chose bulk items and re-usable containers. Their first attempt wasn’t perfect, and that’s ok, because it’s a big improvement from their normal amount of waste. The students were inspired to do better and they’ve tried several more times to waste-away their class garbage.