The "Best" Energy Source

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Is there one “best” energy source? Not according to Mr. Mcanerney’s class – but there are two!

Last week, the grade 6 students held an energy debate, excitedly arguing over whether wind, solar, nuclear, hydro or fossil fuels energy is the best – the be-all-end-all of energy sources. Through well presented arguments, positive responses to attacks from other groups, respectful composure and good team work, the nuclear and hydro groups came out on top.

The nuclear group notably downplayed the negative effects of a potential radioactive waste leak, while reinforcing the positives of renewable the energy. The hydro power group was very well composed, having confident answers to the many questions tossed at them in the firing round.

Also notable in this debate was the research efforts by the solar group, the good questions posed by the wind group, and the overall effort of the students supporting fossil fuels – the most difficult argument to support in this debate.

After debating, the students still had many different opinions and reasons for preferring one energy source over another. A true testament to why  there is no single “best” energy source, and why we need to work together to energize our country day and night.

Do you agree that nuclear and hydro could be the top two energy sources for BC?