Mrs. Graham’s 5/6 class did an outstanding job creating works of art from objects destined for the trash heap (or recycling box, at least). There was a cardboard guitar, a music stand made of old hockey sticks, and a hockey stick picture frame (complete with a photo of a much younger avid hockey player). There was a unique light, a cute piggy bank, and candle holders . There was art for the wall, art for outside, and art just because . Some items were very simple (seedling holders made from old mini-yogurt containers), some very complex (a remade ATV, with used parts including a frame found abandoned out in the forest), and there were some bird houses. All the art was put on display at the Spring Concert, for the whole school and school community to admire – and they did!

Trash to Treasure at St. Joe's during Earth Month
St. Joseph's Elementary