Good Food Friday

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At Rosemont School, the Grade 5/6 class has been investigating our Ecological Footprints!  The final STEP in our footprint study: FOOD!

After students considered how decisions we make in our day-to-day living regarding food have consequences that affect our health, our communities and the Earth we celebrated with Friday FRY-day!  Earlier in March the class celebrated Pi Day with pie. This was a fun and delicious play on the theme with a Beyond Recycling twist.

This hands-on activity had everyone chopping, tossing, seasoning and feasting on our homemade fries.  We discussed how our main ingredient was in season, local, nutritious, natural and came with very little packaging: Now, Near, Nutritious, Natural and Naked!

TGIF! Thank Goodness it’s FRY-DAY!