How wonderful the world is!

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The gr. 7 class at Webster Elementary School embarked on their final few lessons in Beyond Recycling. Students focused on how wonderful our world is by looking at our similarities with Nature and the ecosystems that support us. This lesson is all about positivity and being amazed with our natural world. Outside games included students building different world perspectives (Ego and Eco) with their groups and a fun game to show how everything and everyone is connected in some way! Our final lesson was the Real Food Potluck which is always so exciting. Students brought in some really yummy food. Each student described their food item by focusing on the 5 N’s. Natural, Nutritious, Near, Now and Naked. Extra applause went to those students that were able to check off all 5 Ns!! Wrapping up BR while sharing healthy food, such a great way to end another great BR program. Thank you Mrs. Lutz-Miller and her gr. 7 class!