This week at Canyon Lister Elementary School and Adam Robertson Elementary School, we made many water connections. We started with gratitude for water. “I love that water makes ice, and I can play hockey on it” said Emmett. Brinely said “I love how refreshing water is”. Other students loved water for cooking, swimming, playing in the snow, going boating, drinking and more. We all agreed that there is a lot to be grateful for!
We also learned that not everyone in the world has access to clean and plentiful freshwater. In some communities in the world, people have to walk a long way to collect water. And sometimes that water is not clean to drink which can cause many health problems. We explored how much energy and resources go into cleaning water and bringing it to our homes. Most of the time in Creston, we don’t even think about how clean water arrives to our homes until there is a drought or a water break. There were several students that had been affected by the water shortage in South Canyon in July 2021 where 38 residents were without water for 18 days. And other students made connections to water restrictions that occur every summer in the Town of Creston.
Our gratefulness for our rivers and lakes led us to a discussion about how we can protect our water. Students had ideas like taking shorter showers, not watering lawns, picking up after their dogs, and cleaning up garbage so it doesn’t end up in the water. How do you appreciate, conserve and protect water in your community?