Good Food Friday
TGIF! Thank goodness it’s FRY-DAY!
TGIF! Thank goodness it’s FRY-DAY!
Students in Mr. Geddis’ grade 5/6 class look in amazement at the volume of unwanted clothes awaiting transport to a “new” life in the global textile recycling market.
The Rosemont Grade 5/6 class has been thinking about Recycling and Beyond since the New Year! After many lessons, diligent research into the lifecycle of products, energy options and creative presentations, it was time to celebrate by getting messy and loopy! We made our very own recycled paper using scraps from the classroom recycling, water … Continued
Mr. Mcrann’s 5/6s were surprised to learn how much energy Canada and the USA consume per year, per person, as compared with every other area in the world. Canada/USA got, per capita, 54 barrels of oil in the year (as represented by hard candies), far surpassing Europe at 27. And then there’s Africa, where the … Continued
Today we learned that greenhouse gases (GHG) are important and necessary for life on earth – they have benefited life on earth by making the planet much more habitable. (Instead of minus 18 degrees Celsius, GHGs have allowed the Earth’s average temperature to be a pleasant plus 15 degrees Celsius). However, with all of our … Continued
Rosemont Elementary hosted an Earth Day assembly, where Class 5’s contribution was only part of the celebration. That said, it was amazing what they did – they had taken their Stuff and Waste EcoChallenge really seriously, and considered what they really wanted to do with it. The class decided that educating the school about playground … Continued
Teams were prepared and the debate was fierce as to which energy source was best at generating electricity for us. Our representatives from the non-renewable energy sources took a back seat for most of the debate as the renewables tried to out-argue each other. Near the end, fossil fuels was in the hot seat but … Continued
Rosemont’s Grade 5’s were asked that this week, when visited by “world-renowned” Garbologist Dr. LePew. She came to help them learn about their class’s “garbaging habits” by looking at what all goes into their class garbage bin and what should go elsewhere (like the recycling bin, for instance). When asked at the beginning of her … Continued
Grade 4/5 students in Mr. Schnare’s class hosted a ‘Trash to Treasure’ exhibit on April 17th that demonstrated innovation, creativity and inspiration. The Rosemont students, as well as their counterparts in Grade 4/5 in Mrs. Schmidt’s class at Redfish Elementary School had a great time sharing their trash creations and voting for ‘peoples’ choice’ awards. … Continued