Communities of the Future – Video Lesson
In this lesson students will:
- Watch the Beyond Recycling lesson video
- Learn about sustainability and explore current examples
- Design and build their own sustainable community based on 5 design principals
Sample instructions for students:
- Step 1: Go to the lesson:
- Step 2: Watch the lesson video
- Step 3: Start your build. Add recommendations on how to build. Your build is due: —enter date here —.
- Step 4: Share your build. We will share your build with the class via: — enter details here —
- Define how you want students to build – can they use Minecraft, Lego, draw their city or build it using recycling?
- Planning stage – Do you want students to share their design before they start building?
- Clarify how you want students to share their project eg. photos, video conference, create a video