Trip to the Creston Landfill
Last week Mrs. Walker’s Grade 5/6 class took a trip to the Creston Landfill. We looked at where the materials are recycled, how waste is separated into categories like metal, yard waste, woody materials and garbage.
Last week Mrs. Walker’s Grade 5/6 class took a trip to the Creston Landfill. We looked at where the materials are recycled, how waste is separated into categories like metal, yard waste, woody materials and garbage.
Students from grade 3/4/5 at JV Humphries in Kaslo went on the annual Beyond Recycling field trip to our transfer station and the new recycling station for Kaslo and area. Megan Deas from the RDCK led the field trip, which included a stop at Kaslo Ace Building Supplies to explore which hazardous was
A big thank you to Legendary Meats and the Kootenay Smokehouse who offered an amazing opportunity to look at some great food business models supporting local and real. The morning was full, with cutting demos and composting explanations, beans getting planted and sausages made. It ended with everyone enjoying pesto-pepperoni pizza made by the students … Continued
JV Humphries students in Ms Franke’s 3/4/5 class utilized the class planter boxes to plant various salad greens and radishes on April 28. They seeded various spicy greens, red romaine lettuce, green leaf lettuce, and red globe radishes. These species and varieties of food plants were chosen because of their early growing season so students … Continued
On Feb 18 JV Humphries students participated in Energy Debates! Students worked in groups to research their energy source (either Solar, Wind, Hydro, Nuclear, or Fossil Fuels) using the school’s ipads and Beyond Recycling student page resources. The debates went super well and students got pretty heated up to defend ‘their’ energy source!! For our … Continued
Ms Franke’s class of grade 3/4/5 students at JV Humphries investigated the History of Waste on December 1. The students learned how our production of waste has increased over time, not only with the exponentially more people, but our habits of producing waste. We learned that the first peoples used to produced very little waste … Continued
Mrs. Hendry’s grade 5/6 class started the Beyond Recycling program travelling back in time. We went to see the types and amounts of waste created by people in different times in history, in different places in the world. By looking at some of the ways people have lived on this planet, and the consequent waste … Continued
JV Humphries students participated in the REAL FOOD POTLUCK, which was a great success! Students brought fresh strawberries from their gardens, salad from our garden beds at the school, locally baked fresh bread, cheese from Grand Forks Jerseyland Organics, green peas, homemade blackberry jam, and many other goodies 🙂 A great time was had by … Continued
For our BR Earth Day celebration, we planted our planter boxes outside of the Elementary School wing. These boxes have been in use since 2011, and have been used each year. This year we added new soil (thanks to Kaslo Building Supplies!), prepped the beds, and planted lettuce, various greens, radishes, and spinach. All class … Continued
JV Humphries Beyond Recycling students explored the History of Waste in this class. Students got to dress the part of different eras of waste from Prehistory to Modern times. We discovered that our waste has significantly increased over time, and that now we produce more waster per person in Canada than ever before.