Garbology Revisited
Transfer station right in Nelson, down by the dog walk.
Transfer station right in Nelson, down by the dog walk.
The sun was beaming down upon us, the brightness, a stark contrast against the dark wings of the soaring bald eagles above. In the grips of a Polar Vortex weather phenomenon, students from Columbia Park Elementary in Revelstoke weren’t feeling the Sun’s warm goodness. The field trip to the Columbia Shuswap Regional District Revelstoke Landfill … Continued
It’s 2020, let’s adapt! This year in bringing many new ways of learning, even in how Beyond Recycling looks at classroom waste. At Gordon Terrace, Mrs. Doll’s class started their Beyond Recycling program with an outside lesson in the snow. It was chilly, but the students were very engaged as Ms Kim stepped in for … Continued
And so, without seemingly a moment’s notice, the Holidays were upon us and as I write this time has ticked over to 2021! Happy New Year! Here’s hoping for safety, health and security for all. I finished my year full of joy, by spending the month of December with the Grade 5/6 class at Columbia … Continued
As you can see from this brainstorm of descriptive words related to “waste”, we humans do not have positive associations with waste! Thankfully, there are other hardworking creatures that would make the exact opposite brainstorm, if they had hands or arms. But they’re also too busy decomposing the organic waste in Ms. Curry’s Gr 6/7 … Continued
They all have a product Lifecycle! The students at Rossland Summit School discovered that some of their everyday “stuff” has a unique and sometimes complex process of how they are made into products that we use everyday. Groups of students researched their product item starting with their raw materials and then to the manufacturing stage, … Continued
The Gr. 5 students at Rossland Summit School held a very formal debate around the five energy sources: Fossil Fuels, Wind Power, Solar Power, Hydro Power, and Nuclear Power. Each group came very prepared, as well as in their best dressed, to share knowledge and pros and cons of all the energy sources. A pick … Continued
Mr. Mcrann’s 5/6s were surprised to learn how much energy Canada and the USA consume per year, per person, as compared with every other area in the world. Canada/USA got, per capita, 54 barrels of oil in the year (as represented by hard candies), far surpassing Europe at 27. And then there’s Africa, where the … Continued
Today we learned that greenhouse gases (GHG) are important and necessary for life on earth – they have benefited life on earth by making the planet much more habitable. (Instead of minus 18 degrees Celsius, GHGs have allowed the Earth’s average temperature to be a pleasant plus 15 degrees Celsius). However, with all of our … Continued
How can we have a more Sustainable Christmas?